Ilan Dar-Nimrod
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My research revolves, in large part, around social judgments and evaluations (with a focus on socially constructed categories such as gender, race, the mentally ill and others). This social cognition emphasis is supplemented by strong interests in decision-making, health behaviors, and individual differences. Recently, I have heeded my own public call for research focus on genetic by social environment (G x SE) interactions and initiated a line of neuropsychosocial research in the health realm. Occasionally these somewhat omnivorous interests pull me in different directions, but it also facilitates and stimulates my passion to explore the human phenomenon.
Primary Interests:
- Attitudes and Beliefs
- Evolution and Genetics
- Gender Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Judgment and Decision Making
- Neuroscience, Psychophysiology
- Personality, Individual Differences
- Prejudice and Stereotyping
- Social Cognition
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Genetic Essentialism & Existentialism
Journal Articles:
- Cheung, B. Y., Dar‐Nimrod, I., & Gonsalkorale, K. (2014). Am I My Genes? Perceived Genetic Etiology, Intrapersonal Processes, and Health. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 8(11), 626-637.
- Dar-Nimrod, I. (2012). Postgenomics and genetic essentialism. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 35(05), 362-363.
- Dar-Nimrod, I. (2012). Viewing death on television increases the appeal of advertised products. Journal of Social Psychology, 152(2), 199-211.
- Dar-Nimrod, I. (2007). Math ability in women — Nature versus nurture. Nano Today, 2, 56.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Chapman, B. P., Franks, P., Robbins, J., Porsteinsson, A., Mapstone, M., & Duberstein, P. R. (2012). Apolipoprotein genotype moderates the associations between personality factors, cognitive function and late onset Alzheimer’s disease. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Chapman, B. P., Robbins, J., Porsteinsson, A., Mapstone, M., & Duberstein, P. R. (in press). Gene by neuroticism interaction and cognitive function among older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Cheung, B. Y., Ruby, M. B., & Heine, S. J. (2014). Can merely learning about obesity genes affect eating behavior?. Appetite, 81, 269-276.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Ganesan, A., & MacCann, C. (2018). Coolness as a trait and its relations to the Big Five, self-esteem, social desirability, and action orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 121, 1-6.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Hansen, I. G., Proulx, T., Lehman, D. R., Chapman, B. P., & Duberstein, P. R. (2012). Coolness: An empirical investigation. Journal of Individual Differences, 33(3), 175-185.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., & Heine, S. J. (2011). Genetic essentialism: On the deceptive determinism of DNA. Psychological Bulletin, 137(5), 800-818.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., & Heine, S. J. (2011). Some thoughts on essence placeholders, interactionism, and heritability: Reply to Haslam (2011) and Turkheimer (2011). Psychological Bulletin, 137(5), 829-833.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., & Heine, S. J. (2006). Exposure to scientific theories affects women’s math performance. Science, 314, 435.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Heine, S. J., Cheung, B. Y., & Schaller, M. (2011). Do scientific theories affect men's evaluations of sex crimes? Aggressive Behavior, 37(5), 440-449.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Rawn C., Lehman D. R., & Schwartz, B. (2009). The Maximization Paradox: The costs of seeking alternatives. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 631-635.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Zuckerman, M., & Duberstein, P. (2014). Smoking at the workplace: effects of genetic and environmental causal accounts on attitudes toward smoking employees and restrictive policies. New genetics and society, 33(4), 400-412.
- Dar-Nimrod, I., Zuckerman, M., & Duberstein, P. R. (2013). The effects of learning about one’s own genetic susceptibility to alcoholism: A randomized experiment. Genetics in medicine 15 (2), 132-138.
- Menzies, R. E., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2017). Death anxiety and its relationship with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Journal of abnormal psychology, 126(4), 367.
- Morandini, J. S., Blaszczynski, A., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2017). Who adopts queer and pansexual sexual identities?. The Journal of Sex Research, 54(7), 911-922.
- Morandini, J. S., Blaszczynski, A., Dar‐Nimrod, I., & Ross, M. W. (2015). Minority stress and community connectedness among gay, lesbian and bisexual Australians: a comparison of rural and metropolitan localities. Australian and New Zealand journal of public health.
- Morandini, J. S., Blaszczynski, A., Ross, M. W., Costa, D. S., & Dar-Nimrod, I. (2015). Essentialist Beliefs, Sexual Identity Uncertainty, Internalized Homonegativity and Psychological Wellbeing in Gay Men. Journal of Counselling Psychology.
Ilan Dar-Nimrod
School of Psychology
Room 420, Brennan MacCallum Building (A19)
University of Sydney
Sydney, NSW 2006
- Phone: +61 2 9351 2908
- Fax: +61 2 9036 5223